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Berlin Flights

Berlin Travel Guide

This is a beautiful city in Europe and in fact the heart of modern Germany.There are vareitiesof places to visit like grand public buildings, restaurants, pubs, nightclubs and, wonderful museums and theatres.

Good time to explore Berlin is in Summer.It is wise to avoid November to early March, because skies at this period tend to be gloomy and often drops below freezing.

In the whole city Friedrichstrasse is the most legendary street.The architecture of the New Berlin is combined with the tradition of the “Golden Twenties".In the Twenties, the 3.5 km long street was the location for pleasure palaces, cafés, and variety theatres such as the famous “Wintergarten".

The Berlin Zoo consists of over 1400 different species and a total of 19000 animals which is one of the largest zoo in the world.

The city’s also known for its art scene and modern landmarks like the gold-colored, swoop-roofed Berliner Philharmonie, built in 1963. Not convinced yet? Choose our Berlin Travel Guide References below.

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